Month: March 2023

urscan file

How to use URLSCAN (book to download)

URLSCAN is used to perform different types of web scans and to analyze different IOCs such as IP address, domains, Hashes, filenames, and others.

URLSCAN is a tool used by different security teams such as Security Analyst, Cyber Threat Intelligence, Threat Hunting, Incident response team, and others.

Below, you can download the pdf document that will show you how to use the tool.

How to use URLSCAN

You can also find the articles related to the topic

How to use URLSCAN part1 – osintafrica

security framework

Three attacks frameworks that Cyber Security members should know

Almost every day, you may hear from the news that a company was hacked and the data was leaked.

Most of the attacks happened in passive mode, which means that the companies are not aware of the attack. One of the most efficient ways to detect and respond to any Cyber Threats is to implement some detection and responsive measures.

The three frameworks that are going to be described below, will help you to detect and respond to any threat against your organization.

  1. Cyber Kill Chain

The following framework helps the organization to identify the steps used by the attackers to perform an attack.

The framework was developed by Lockheed Martin, the framework is part of the Intelligence Driven Defense model for identification and prevention of cyber intrusions activity.

Cyber Kill Chain® | Lockheed Martin

The framework is divided in 7 steps:

  • Reconnaissance: Finding any weakness that can be used to target the organization (Vulnerabilities, looking for details about the target over the network or gathering information about the target)
  • Weaponization: After gathering information about the target and finding a weakness, the threat actor tries to leverage it by create a malicious file or programs that will be sent to the target.
  • Delivery: Sending the malicious file or program to the target (phishing, drive by download)
  • Exploitation: At this stage the threat actor, exploits the vulnerability.
  • Installation: The threat actor tris to install a malicious software in order to gain high level privilege.
  • Command & Control: Establishing a communication with the target’s system
  • Actions on objectives: The threat actor meets his objective (data exfiltration) by exfiltrating

MITRE ATT&CK is the knowledge base that help different actors to find out the tactics and techniques used by the adversaries to compromise a system.  The framework can be used by anyone without any charge. The framework contains information about mitigation steps to detect any anomaly and protect the infrastructure and any system that might be infected (Enterprise, Mobile, ICT).


MITRE ATT&CK is divided in 14 phases to find the tactics and techniques used by the threat actor.

  • Reconnaissance
  • Resource Development
  • Initial Access
  • Execution
  • Persistence
  • Privilege Escalation
  • Defense Evasion
  • Credential Access
  • Discovery
  • Lateral Movement
  • Collection
  • Command and Control
  • Exfiltration
  • Impact
  1. The Diamond Model of Intrusion Analysis

The model consists of 4 models that help you to identify how the intrusion can occur in the infrastructure.

The model helps to find the “who,” “what,” “when,” “where,” “why,” and “how.” Of the attacks in order to detect and mitigate the threat before.

The models:

  • Adversary: The attacker or threat actor behind the attack.
  • Capabilities: Are the set of skills and tools in the possession of the threat actor
  • Victim: The infrastructure, system, individuals targeted by the threat actor
  • Infrastructure: Are the software and hardware used by the threat actor to target the victim.
  • Social-political – The reason of the attack (financial, espionage, hacktivism)
  • Technology – How the threat actor can operate and what technologies the adversary used to operate and communicate.

 In conclusion, the three frameworks described here are very useful to detect and respond to different threat. Without referring to one of the frameworks, it will be very difficult almost not possible to mitigate the threat within your environment. Using them will be a step forward to being resilient against any attack.

phishing 2

Phishing message on Facebook mimicking Meta to target many businesses in Austria

On the 1 March 2023, i connected on my Facebook page and found a strange notification from the page "Socail Network Registry 1011999162" . I clicked on the notification and found out the message below.

As a Cyber Security and OSINT lover, i was wondering why Meta will publish such message on a third party. 

I checked the page creation date and found out that the page is created on the 01.03.2012,the same date that the message was sent, which was alarming for me.

As you read above, the message is tricking users to click on a link to reactivate their account because the page was reported for identify theft.

The message contains an URL on which you should click to reactivate your account.

I took the user and verify from Browserling - Live interactive cross-browser testing



The image above, shows a fake Facebook page logo and registration to trick people to enter their credential. The intention is probably stealing the credential and ask money later to recover the account.

The actor behind the page sends the same notification to many third parties located in Austria including my page as well.

I checked the URL on Virus Total and got the following information:

The domain was submitted 2 hours ago. The final URL is available, so I checked the final URL and I got another useful information:

Whois Lookup Captcha (

The domain was created on the 2023-03-01.

At this point, we can be pretty sure that the domain is a phishing domain to trick people to click on the link to enter their credential.

Be always careful before entering your credential and do not forget to use 2FA to secure your account