Month: January 2024

payoutproject scam

Payoutproject[.]com the biggest scam ever on social media Facebook, twitter, TikTok, Instagram

A big scam is going on social medias. At the time of writing, thousands of people were scammed and the number is growing.

 The Payoutproject website is a marketing company located in the United States of America. The owner affirms that the members will be awarded after doing some tasks and activities which are given to them.

Many people already complained about the fake business. Unfortunately, the scam business is still growing up around the world.

As always, I love such investigation, I will share with you, how I investigated the fake business and the outcome after.

First of all, I checked the website via (

Like you see, the website is well design and will attract many visitors, let’s read the “Home page”.

We can see some information about the website and how we can be rewarded and get paid after performing some tasks. Well, I will be rich now 😊.

One important thing on the Home page is “There is no any fee, no any membership fee and no any paid thing. All is free... The main thing is your passion to the completion of task and promote to the friends

Many people will register to gain money fast because the is very easy and  fast.

I scrolled over the website, and found out that they are operating in many socials’ medias such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok.

As many scammers are usually on Facebook, I went through and I found on Facebook that someone published a post about the business (for privacy reason I won’t publish the name). I checked the profile of the user and found some suspicious comments scams and others social engineering threat. That was my first hit.

I found out that the post published by the user is getting more attention and is being viewed by millions of people following with thousands of comments.

At this point, we can see that the scam is word wide and many people are already impacted and will be impacted by this malicious activity.

Now, let’s reviews people feedback about the website via search engine online such as Chrome.

There are many reviews about the website, let’s detailed some of the reviews:




Like you see in the comments from different websites, most of people who commented agreed on one thing, the website is a scam, after investing in the website, the money grow and never received the money back.

Back on the website, you can see the payment methods available to invest and be paid later.

This method can be used by the scammers to steal your sensitive data, so if you already created an account and used your PII or any sensitive data removed and changed your sensitive data and password if you used the same in any other account.

The websites mentioned the top payouts countries using the application


In you are located in any of the location mentioned above, inform your authority about the scam.

Always verify such business before using it. The best option will be to avoid such online business.

spys 1

How to use a proxy server for free over the internet

A proxy server is used to protect the network for the following reasons:

Preventing the users to connect to malicious websites

Protecting the company web application by preventing any malicious request that can be used to compromised it

Act as intermediary between the private network and the internet

Can be used to hide the user’s location

In our example, we will show how you can use a proxy server own by another organization to hide your identity or change your location in order to connect to different web application restricted by the government or the authority.

Over the internet, there are many proxy servers that don’t require any authentication to be used. We will use one of those to show how we can take advantage of it to achieve our goal.

  1. SPYS

HTTPS proxy list, HTTP proxy with SSL support, free SSL proxy servers (

The website is collecting different types of proxy on daily basis. We will use this website to find a proxy server that fits our needs.

Go to “HTTPS/SSL proxy” choose one proxy with the HTTPS protocol. In our case we choose the proxy server located in Turkey (Cankaya)

Once we find the proper one, now we can start our configuration.


In this example, we will use the browser Mozilla.

Open the browser

We need a tool to configure the proxy server. We will install the tool FoxyProxy to manage the proxy.

After the installation, the tool will be embedded in Mozilla, click on the “extension” toolbar

The application will be listed, click on “option”, go to “proxies’ menu”

Now, you can start the configuration. 


Like you see above, we choose the configuration details from the proxy server “Turkey”, we put all the setting from the proxy.

The last thing to do is to configure our browser

Type in the browser search button: about:preferences#searchResults

Type the IP address and port and chose the HTTPS protocol

Once done, we can check if the configuration works fine.

As you see, the location is visible. We can now connect to social media or any other website not restricted in this area.

NB One important thing to mention is that when you use a proxy server from a third party, all you information are passing through his server and know that, it is also not legal to use a proxy server without authorization.