What is a Typosquatting attack?

A typosquatting attack is a type of attack where the threat actor mimics a legitimate domain to target the victims. In this type of attack, the threat actor looks for the target domain that he and she want to target and alter the domain. The attack is one of the most successful attacks technics used by the threat actors. The attack is very difficult to detect as most of the users will consider it as a legitimate domain. However, the attack can be detected by implementing some countermeasures.

One of the most used tool to generate a typosquattitng domain is dnstwister | The anti-phishing domain name search engine and DNS monitoring service, the tool can help you  generate domains or find the domains that can be used to mimic your domain.

Types of typosquatting:


The attacker adds a word to the legitimate domain to trick the users to click on it. Example:

The legitimate domain facebook.com will be altered to helps-facebook.com.


The attacker changes one or more bits of the legitimate domain to trick the user. Example:

Facebook.com will become fasebook.com


The attacker uses the technic calls “Homophones” to trick the user. Example”

Fare.com will become faire.com


The attacker uses the legitimate domain, follow by the phishing domain. Example:

Facebook.com will become facebook.com.ghdhwhj.com


The attacker uses the technic calls homoglyph by changing one character from the legitimate domain. For example:

Faceboo.com will become fäcebook.com (the “a” changed to ä)

You can use the homoglyph generator to alter any domain you wish (Homoglyph Attack Generator and Punycode Converter (irongeek.com))

Typosquatting detection and protection:

In conclusion, the typosquatting is a type of attack that alter the legitimate domain to target the users. The attack is very difficult to detect but by combining different methods and technics, the users can be protected.