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Citrix and Citrix ADC released patches for Citrix Gateway


 Three Vulnerabilities have been discovered in Citrix Gateway and Citrix ADC.

The vulnerabilities are the following:

  • CVE-2022-27510 Unauthorized access to Gateway user capabilities
  • CVE-2022-27513 Remote desktop takeover via phishing
  • CVE-2022-27516 User login brute force protection functionality bypass

Be aware that only appliances that are operating as a Gateway (appliances using the SSL VPN functionality or deployed as an ICA proxy with authentication enabled) are affected by the first issue.

The affected versions are the following:

  • Citrix ADC and Citrix Gateway 13.1 before 13.1-33.47
  • Citrix ADC and Citrix Gateway 13.0 before 13.0-88.12
  • Citrix ADC and Citrix Gateway 12.1 before
  • Citrix ADC 12.1-FIPS before 12.1-55.289
  • Citrix ADC 12.1-NDcPP before 12.1-55.289

The released applies to customer-managed Citrix ADC and Citrix Gateway appliances. Customers using Citrix-managed cloud services do not need to take any action.


Install the relevant updated versions of Citrix ADC or Citrix Gateway.

NB: Only Citrix ADC and Citrix Gateway versions prior to 12.1 are EOL and customers on those versions are recommended to upgrade to one of the supported versions.


OpenSSL has patched two high severity vulnerabilities

OpenSSL has released two high severity vulnerabilities within the open source OpenSSL library.

The both vulnerabilities CVE-2022-3602 and CVE-2022-3786 require a malicious X.509 certificate that has been signed by a valid certificate authority.

The first vulnerability CVE-2022-3602 - could cause a denial of service by allowing the bytes containing the character “.” (decimal 46) to be entered on the stack.

The second one CVE-2022-3786 - could cause a denial of service by allowing the attacker to craft a malicious email address in a certificate to overflow an arbitrary number of bytes containing the “.” character (decimal 46) on the stack.

Affected version: OpenSSL versions 3.0.0 to 3.0.6.

Mitigation: OpenSSL 3.0 users should upgrade to OpenSSL 3.0.7.


Les hackers sont entrain de voler le mot de passe des utilisateurs lors du process du 28 Septembre 2009 en Guinee

Le monde braque sur le process du 28 Septembre 2009 en Guinee, les hackers le sont aussi.

Notre equipe a pu detecter des utilisateurs malvaillants sur des chaines Youtube   des televisions Guineenes  telles que  Djoma TV, Espace FM, FIM FM qui sont devenues des vecteurs dattaques pour les hackers.

Des liens ou domains malvaillants sont distribues sur ces chaines pour attirer lattention des utilisateurs en vue d’y cliquer .

Exemple 1

Sur la chaine Youtube de Djoma Media, des liens malvaillants partages aux utlisateurs pour voler leur mot de passe.

Sur la photo au dessus, le domain GIRLS18[.]XZY (NE PAS CLIQUER SUR LE LIEN) apres examination par notre equipe de  Cyber Threat Intelligence.

Les resultast suivants ont ete obtenus:

Le domain  a ete cree il ya 8 jours heberge sur GO DADDY.

Apres soumission du domain, VirusTotal na pas detecte le domain comme malvaillant.

Le meme domain sur URLSCAN.IO nous redirige vers un notre domain que nous pouvons apercevoir sur l’image .

Apres une analyse faite sur ce domain, nous avions obtenu plus d’information sur les techniques utilisees par les attaqueurs .

Nous pouvons voir maintenant que ce domain a ete classifie par des anti-virus comme Fortinet, Sophos et dautres  comme Phishing .

URLSCAN montre le meme resultat.

Le domain a ete classifie comme malvaillant.


Exemple 2 

Le second exemple  vient de la chaine Youtube de la chaine TV Espace FM.

Comme vous le voyez,  le lien  mavaillant girls69[.]xyz  (ne pas cliquer sur le lien) a ete partage (Jespere que les utilisateurs nont pas clique 😊).


Les meme techniques et meme indicators ont ete trouves.

Le domain a ete cree il ya 6 jours.

Virustotal  resultat  RAS

Notre grand ami URLSCAN nous revele que le domain est redirige vers le meme domain que le cas precedant.

Le Meme domain produit le meme resultat.

Nous voyons que les meme bandits causent les meme effets 😊.

A ce effet nous pouvons conclure que les auteurs ont pour objectif de voler les information personels des utilisateurs et sy possible aussi installer un fichier malvaillant pour dautres objectifs.

Soyez virgillants mes chers auditeurs.



Ne jamais cliquer sur un lien que vous ne connaissez pas.

Verifiez le lien sur Virustotal comme on vous a montre dans nos exemples.

Utilisez 2FA sur vos comptes Youtube, Facebook, Instagram et autres.

Ne jamais utilizer les meme mots de passes sur different comptes.

Ne jamais partager vos information personnelles le mot de passe, email addresse, date de naissance publiquement.


Protect your brand

How to find different domains mimicking your brand?

Nowadays, the threat actors are using different technics to steal users PII (personal identifiable information).

One of the easiest ways of doing that is to create a fake web page that looks like a well-known webpage such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Netflix and others services (Banks, gaming platforms etc.)

Let’s give some example:

URLscan URL and website scanner -

Is a well-known URL and website scanner used by most of security professional

The examples below, will teach us about how to find the website mimicking our brands.

1 – Netflix brand mimicking by threat actors to steal users credentials

The first to do is to connect to type the domain “”  - -

Next, go to “HTPPtransaction”, click on the “image” button

Now, you need to expand the image view and  click on “Show image”

Once clicked, you will see the image

As we can see the image now, if you want to find other webpages with the same image, follow the next steps.

Click right on the “Hash” Of the image and “choose open on the new tab “

You will get the following page

Scroll down the page, you will find some domains different from the one we submitted which is the legitimate one

Open in the new tab the domain that are different from the legitimate one (

Now as you can see, we found some domains malicious domains mimicking

You can use the same technic for your brand or organization.


Check the URL or the domain before connecting to a domain

Use 2FA for your login

Use different password for different account

Use a platform like Virus Total to check the domain if you are not sure before connection